Luis Gallardo

A Look at 3 Societies Who Prove the Possibility for Peaceful Living

Luis Gallardo
A Look at 3 Societies Who Prove the Possibility for Peaceful Living

Though the news might lead you to believe otherwise, the entire world is not fighting to exist. In fact, data suggests that peace is not only possible; it is on the rise.

The top 3 most peaceful countries are Iceland New Zealand, and Portugal.

What sets them apart from the rest of the world? Through a sustainable value system, all three have achieved Happytalism. Here is a peek into these 3 societies to explain how peaceful living, for a happier life is, possible and sustainable.

1. Iceland

For the tenth year, this peaceful leader sits at the top of the Global Peace Index.

One reason that the Icelandic people may see no need for war, is that they all feel valued and cared for, and in turn, happy. In fact, they do not even have military forces.

According to cultural research, men and women are valued equally. There is little class stratification, and their consumer economy thrives, as nobody struggles or goes without. They live sustainably happy lives, with farming and fishing at the heart of their economy, and every citizen is guaranteed the right to housing, education, work, and retirement. As a result, there is very little social unrest and crime.

This culture speaks to the power of simplicity. Rather than searching for bigger, better, and more, they live happily in the moment of what the world provides for them. And they do so with a mutual respect for one another.

2. New Zealand

According to cultural research, New Zealand is a nation with social class stratification and gang trouble in impoverished areas, but they do offer support services and programs for change both funded by the government and led by volunteers.

However, what puts them at number two on the list is their overall attitude. On a day to day basis, they are friendly and value greeting one another in passing.

It may sound simple, but don’t underestimate the power of greeting another person. Researchers found that a simple “hello” increases happiness in both the sender and receiver. Furthermore, it improves mindfulness, as greeting other people means that you are staying aware of your surroundings in the current moment.

Another symbol of their peaceful attitude is that the Kiwi, a flightless bird, serves as the logo of their air force, which exemplifies their desire to maintain peace.

So, make it a point to say hello to people and honor peaceful creatures, and you might find happiness following you in place of conflict.

3. Portugal

Portugal has a rather developed military and significant social stratification for class and gender, as cultural research reveals. So, how did they reach number 3 on the list of most peaceful nations?

Family, education, etiquette, and freedom are four important Portuguese values.

Jennifer Moss, founder of HERO Generation, emphasizes the importance of relationships in her story of developing the program. Valuing relationships, such as the family unit, builds a strong foundation for compassionate living.

Furthermore, valuing education means a desire for awareness, upholding etiquette signifies the need to respect others, and appreciating freedom elicits a need for peace, as conflict is a prison of the mind, body, and soul.

Upholding similar values can help you to live peacefully and happily, and to practice positive leadership.


Through 3 very different ways of life, these nations symbolize the possibility for societies to thrive in peace and happiness. The news is out: consistent mindful choices eventually lead to Happytalism, and hopefully someday, peace on Earth for all.